Enfold – Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

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SKU: 68ADF7EE Category: Tag:

Enfold is a cleansuper flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for the WPML MULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it

It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own clean skin or use one of 18 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo

Key Features Overview

  • Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
  • Unique Drag and Drop Template Builder, built only for this theme. Almost any layout imaginable is possible. Also comes with a ton of Unique elements for the template Builder:
    • Columns, Slider, Buttons, Gallery, team, Tabs, Toogles, Accordions, Pricing and Data Tables, Call to Action Buttons, Testimonials and many more. (To avoid confusion: this is a Content Editor. Header and Footer are not managed this way)
  • Ajax Instant Search: user get results while typing
  • Translation ready with mo/po files
  • WooCommerce Ready: add your own Shop and sell anything from digital Goods to Coconuts
  • WooCommerce Bookings Support for time and date based bookings
  • WPML plugin ready:WPML Plugin, in case your business needs a multi language site
  • Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (iphone, ipad)
  • Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on smarthpones and tablets
  • Deactivate responsive features with one click in your backend
  • WordPress Multisite enabled
  • Mailchimp Newsletter Integration
  • Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro Integration
  • 2D + 3D Layerslider Slideshow (Layerslider Plugin included)
  • 2D Easy Slider for slideshow creation in seconds
  • All slideshows optimized for mobile devices (hardware accelerated CSS3 slider)
  • Post Format Support: Standard, Image, Video, Gallery, Link, Quote
  • Multiple Slideshows possible. You can add multiple to each post, page or portfolio entry
  • 20+ predefined skins, easy to edit and modify. Any number of skins possible
  • Video Support: Supports Videos from any major video hosting service
  • Video Slideshows with support for Youtube, Vimeo and self hosted videos
  • Visual Shortcode editor with preview function, tons of shortcodes like pricing tables, columns, buttons etc
  • Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker for any kind of gorgeous color settings.
  • Unique unlimited sidebars for each page/category possible
  • User Manual, short videos and professional theme support by me and my team to fix any kind of problems
  • Unlimited Portfolio Pages. Also supports Ajax Portfolio
  • Free Lifetime Updates and access to our support forum
  • Growing community in our support forum:over 50000 registered users, 85000 Topics, 350000 Posts. We do care that your site works and answer every post!
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • Contact Form Builder: Modify your contact form from your backend: add/remove/modify the available inputs, textareas, dropdowns and checkboxes
  • SEO Optimized: our Code is built with SEO best practice in mind: headings, heavy internal linking, google rich snippets and so much more
  • Advanced Typography Options
  • Wide & Boxed Layout Versions
  • Advanced Header Options
  • Child theme support for easy customization, that is not affected by theme updates. You can download a very basic child theme here
  • more than 30 PSDs included with almost every page template you see in the “Enfold Default Demo”
  • RTL stylesheet for languages that are read from right to left like Arabic, Hebrew, etc
  • 20+ different Language Files included:
    • English
    • German
    • Czech
    • Danish
    • Spanish
    • French
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Dutch
    • Portugese
    • Romanian
    • Russian
    • Swedish
    • Turkish
    • Korean
    • Arabic
    • Norsk
    • Persian
    • Simplified Chinese
    • Traditional Chinese
  • Clean Programming: Well organized, commented & clean code
  • Focus on typography, usability and user-experience
  • Tested with WPML, Gravitforms, WP Supercache and many other common plugins
  • Extensive documentation
  • Growing Video Tutorial Library– A great place to start are our narrated HD Video Tutorials
  • The option to decide what updates the theme will receive next by suggesting and voting on features: http://www.kriesi.at/support/enfold-feature-requests/

SEO (Search engine optimization)

The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses clean, semantical and valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines. 

The site also uses heavy internal site linking, which is also of vital for search engines (related posts, primary and secondary navigation menus, footer navigation, etc) With this WordPress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work


This is a responsive theme, able to adapt its layout to the screen size of your visitors. (try resizing the screen and see for yourself) The Slideshows for this theme are also touch enabled and hardware accelerated, which means they are working super sleek on mobile device like ipad or iphone

Support and Documentation

The theme comes with an extensive help file to help you understand how it works. If you encounter any problems or have questions once you purchased the theme feel free to drop us a notice at http://www.kriesi.at/support

We have 12000 registered members that often help out faster than we can. Nevertheless you will always recieve a response from me or my support team. More than 100000 Posts show that we do care that your site works fine

A short notice: The reasons I have chosen to use my own forum are quite simple:

  1. Themeforest support threads are not searchable. Since most questions are asked over and over again a searchable forum will greatly enhance your experience since the answer to your question might already be there.
  2. Second Reason: people can’t respond to each other at themeforest to help each other out, which often happens on the support forums.

Hope you are happy with the theme. Have fun editing it
Best regards


External scripts and resources used

  • Layerslider WP
  • Main Icon set: Entypo Icon Font
  • Some Iconsets made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com
  • flickr creative commons library pictures by: codyR, kretyen, mescon, obskura, freya23, amir K, Tambako the Jaguar, jaeWalk
  • dribbble Portfolio Pictures by Dash
  • Please Note: Most images in the theme demo are stock photos from photodune which are not part of the theme


Oct. 22th, 2022 – Version 5.2.1

fixed: typo in enqueue_style slideshow.css in config-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesslideshow_fullsizeslideshow_fullsize.php

Oct. 18th, 2022 – Version 5.2

Performance feature: option to load minified js and css files instead of original js and css files (no file merging)
CSS feature: added css vars for theme options "General Styling" 

tweak: clear theme update cache when validate/revalidate Envato token
tweak: CSS image container fix on image blur hover effect
tweak: version number added to scripts now based on theme version

fixed: button and fullwidth button now show title attribute when linked to image in lightbox title
fixed: CSS selectors for ALB Testimonials
fixed: CSS selector for ALB Headline Rotator so Advanced Styling does not override element setting
fixed: ALB Table bug in wp_enqueue_style parameter list (rendered false for version)
fixed: slideshow buttons on mobile not working (Fullwidth Easy Slider and Fullscreen Slider)
fixed: display issue on single event mobile view when Event Tickets plugin is active
fixed: added a version check to avoid notice: Tribe__Events__Pro__Main::enable_recurring_info_tooltip is deprecated since version 6.0.0
fixed: added a check for Telegram social icon to avoid having to save theme options
fixed: added a note that editing Custom Elements is not possible when fullscreen mode is enabled
fixed: ALB gridrow responsive settings ignored when cell reverse or individual sorted
fixed: ALB Contact Form multiple select label is selectable when labels are hidden

updated: Layerslider 7.5.3
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.2, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.2 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen)
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.2 provided by comkapi - Patrick)
updated: Spanish language files es_ES - minor changes only


tweak: updated config-templatebuilderavia-template-builderphpexternalJSqueeze.php to support ES6 class keyword

fixed: filter 'avf_verification_password_field' and added new return value for readonly

added: filter 'avf_ignore_min_file_for_merge' - allows to ignore .min files during merge on file basis
added: filter 'avf_templ_archive_tab_portfolio' - allows to change table title "Portfolio" on archive template page
added: filter 'avf_supress_css_theme_variables' - allows to supress generation of CSS vars

Sept. 1st, 2022 – Version 5.1.2

tweak: ALB Icon Grid add background images to front and back
tweak: ALB Icon Grid added CSS flexbox model for better stylings
tweak: ALB sticky toolbar in Block Editor fullscreen mode
tweak: change CSS order of uploaded typefonts (woff2, woff, ttf, svg, eot)
tweak: YOAST support for Tribe Events Calendar
tweak: new ALB Image hover effects:
- fade to alternate image
- Grayscale
- Smoothen (blur())

added: Telegram social share button

fixed: Block editor ALB is not draggable in fullscreen mode
fixed: conditional option fields in Partner/Logo Element not hidden
fixed: minor CSS with padlock symbol in CET
fixed: function_exists() check for avia_social_share_links_single_post
fixed: minor CSS fixes on WC account page

updated: LeafletJS to v1.8.0
updated: Layerslider 7.3.0
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.1.2, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: sync all language files version 5.1.2-dev-0 (close to final release)


added: filter 'avf_fallback_avia_sc_icongrid' - load the old icongrid for fallback (ignores the new implementation)
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_blur' - modify css rule
added: filter 'avf_wc_product_hover_default' - allows to change default selection for option "Hover effect on Overview Pages" 

July 28th, 2022 – Version 5.1.1

fixed: ALB Content Slider broken
fixed: Block Editor in full width layout title field not visible

July 27th, 2022 – Version 5.1

feature: add media query for desktop to responsive options like fonts, transform, position, ...... (default is still used for all screens and allows to override theme default setting)

feature: added responsive font sizes, responsive margin and padding to:
    Button Row
    Fullwidth Button
    GridRow Cells
    Special Heading
    Headline Rotator
    Post Meta Data
    Events Countdown
    Upcoming Events

feature: SEO support for YOAST Analysis tool
feature: SEO support for RankMath Analysis tool
feature: new ALB Element Icon Circles
feature: ALB Editor Fullscreen Mode with sticky elements bar in Block Editor
feature: add mask support to ALB image (image and gradiant)

tweak: display sortable attachment ID in WP media gallery list view (based on code of Guenni007)
tweak: added support for plugin https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/tree/master/integration%20plugins/Enfold/Slider%20Video%20Controls%20Fix (see readme.txt)

fixed: attachment id for custom svg shapes are ignored
fixed: CSS for disabled animations on mobile devices
fixed: notice Undefined array key "nav_visibility_desktop" with WC product grid
fixed: 6 columns masonry CSS bug with FF
fixed: CSS Grid Row removed bottom margin 20px only between 767px and 989px

jQuery 3.0 comp.: Remove deprecated .focus()

updated: Layerslider v7.2.5
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.0.1, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


added: filter 'avf_media_list_view_id' - supress display of ID in media list view
added: filter 'avf_default_lightbox_no_scroll' - block default lightbox and body from scroll
added: filter 'avf_disable_columns_responsive_margin_padding' - fallback to ignore responsive margin padding on page/site for columns
added: filter 'avf_exclude_maintenance_ids' - exclude page id's from maintenance mode (provided by https://kriesi.at/support/topic/exclude-pages-from-maintenance/)
added: filter 'avf_mask_overlay_images'- add url to a custom mask image to theme default images

added: theme support 'avia_disable_seo_analysis_delay' - allows to reduce analysis delay in classic editor
added: theme support 'avia_block_editor_disable_fixed_tab' - disable fullscreen mode in Block Editor
deprecated: several functions in class-popup-templates.php for responsive font settings - are replaced by Avia_Popup_Templates::font_sizes_icon_switcher in theme
moved: several responsive functions from class-popup-templates.php and class-popup-templates-callback.php to class-popup-templates-responsive.php

Jun 21st, 2022 – Version 5.0.1

tweak: add fallback units to css transform rules in class-element-styling.php
tweak: clarify selectbox description for columns mobile breakpoint position
tweak: Block editor support - added theme.json file

fixed: CSS for tribe events calendar plugin
fixed: 0 in multi input fields ignored in some elements (not interpreted as 0px, e.g. special heading)
fixed: v5.0 - Fullscreen Slider Button links not working
fixed: Lightbox images not responsive on WooCommerce single product page gallery
fixed: CSS for WooCommerce variations buy box table elements

developer-feature: ALB typography improvement in font_sizes_icon_switcher (in beta) - change selectboxes to input fields for advanced users (theme option Layout Builder -> Typography Input Fields)

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 5.0, provided by BigBatT)
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 5.0 provided by comkapi)

Jun 8th, 2022 – Version 5.0

New demo: https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-parallax/

feature: added position options (responsive) to:
- Image
- Button
- Columns

feature: added "Curtain Reveal Animations" (found in Animations Dropdown) to:
- Image
- Columns
- Masonry
- Masonry Gallery

feature: added Animations Dropdown to:
- Button

feature: added parallax option (responsive) to:
- Image
- Columns

feature: added transform options (perspective, rotate3d, scale3d, skew, translate3d) (responsive) to:
- Image

feature: added options to scale (zoom) and opacity for images when slide becomes active:
- Easy Slider
- Fullwitdh Easy Slider

feature: minimum column height in % of surrounding layout container

feature: theme option to disallow background image parallax and delayed animations on mobile (Performance Tab) - changed to be allowed by default
feature: added swipe to all devices supporting touch screens (not only to mobile devices)
feature: Extended Animations Dropdown with "Advanced Fade Animations", "Special Advanced Animations" 

feature: ALB Horizontal Gallery added rotation and styling options
feature: ALB PostSlider added Navigation Dots
feature: ALB Testimonial Slider added navigation styling and animation options
feature: Adjusted options (and new options) for most sliders - under progress:
- Slider Control Styling
- Show Navigation Arrows and Dots (or none)
- Custom colors for Navigation Arrows and Dots
- Transitions and speed
- Autorotate, end with last slide
- Disable/Enable manual rotate (hide corresponding Navigation Arrows)

feature: WPML global layout theme options - keep in sync options for all languages
feature: added support for RankMath SEO plugin (active beta)

tweak: CSS Burger Menu - remove space above mobile menu in landscape orientation and mobile devices
tweak: support image links for slideshows with first slides caption as permanent caption
tweak: option to add "alb templates" to top of page (not only to bottom)
tweak: add option "Use custom link (fallback is image link)" to ALB Masonry Gallery
tweak: ALB Tab Section new option "Deeplink String" (Advanced Tab -> Developer Settings) to set a custom link hash

fixed: Block editor and ALB Tab Section have strange behaviour in backend
fixed: Accordion Slider division by zero if no entries or images
fixed: Anchor column link not working when set to open in the same window
fixed: Block editor typography letter spacing not working
fixed: Google Search only allows 1 tag FAQPage

tweak: jQuery 3.0 remove deprecated $.proxy in all theme files:
- enfoldconfig-gutenbergjsavia_gutenberg.js
- enfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesslideshowslideshow.js
- enfoldconfig-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/slideshow_accordion/slideshow_accordion.js
- enfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesslideshow_fullscreenslideshow_fullscreen.js
- enfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodesmenumenu.js
- enfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-template-builderassetsjsavia-tab-section.js
- enfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-template-builderassetsjsavia-tooltip.js
- enfoldjsavia.js
- enfoldjsshortcodes.js
- enfoldframeworkjsavia_sidebar.js
- enfoldframeworkjsconditional_loadavia_google_maps_api.js
- enfoldframeworkjsconditional_loadavia_google_maps_front.js
- enfoldframeworkjsconditional_loadavia_google_recaptcha_api.js

tweak: jQuery 3.0 remove deprecated $.fn.focus() in jsaviapopupjquery.magnific-popup.js

updated: sync all language files version 5.0 (close to final release)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 5.0 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )


tweak: support json string for slideshow options in HTML (data-slideshow-json="...")

added conditional body classes: 
- 'pointer-device-undefined', 'pointer-device-fine', 'pointer-device-coarse', 'pointer-device-coarse-only', 'pointer-device-none', 
- 'touch-device', 'no-touch-device'

added: class aviaPopupTemplatesPlugins

added: filter 'avf_css_rules_position' - allows to alter position rules top bottom left right
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation_duration' - allows to alter animation-duration rules
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_animation_delay' - allows to alter animation-delay rules
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_transition_duration' - allows to alter transition-duration rules
added: filter 'avf_el_styling_responsive_styles_skip' - skip creating rules on element basis
added: filter 'avf_get_global_option_keys' - modify global options key attributes before adding to internal logic
added: filter 'avf_is_global_option' - remove a global option attribute

deprecated: AviaHelper::css_4value_helper() no longer needed
removed: $.AviaParallaxElement - replaced by AviaObjectParallaxElement in enfoldjsavia-snippet-parallax.js

renamed: function sonar_keyframes -> keyframes
renamed: filter 'avf_css_rules_sonar_keyframes' -> 'avf_css_rules_keyframes'

May 9th 2022 – Version

updated: Layerslider Version 7.2.1

April 28th 2022 – Version

fixed: Custom elements showing up in search results
fixed: ALB Special Heading CSS Subheading - remove opacity for custom color
fixed: typo .av-builer-button-disabled
fixed: ALB Widget Area selected Footer Columns not displayed
fixed: ALB Icon Grid Font Size Selection ignored in frontend results in wrong padding

compatibility: WPML - broken layout in WPML pages
compatibility: WPML - masonry landscape and portrait tags on posts for "Perfect Manual Masonry" mode not displayed correctly

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


added: filter avf_wpml_ratio_check_by_tag_needs_translate - backwards comp when wpml does not translate get_term_by( 'slug', .... )
added: filter avf_blog_entry_markup_helper_exclude - modify which structured data you want to exclude from output

deprecated: function avia_translate_check_by_tag_values replaced by Avia_WPML()->handler_avf_ratio_check_by_tag_values()
deprecated: function avia_wpml_sync_avia_layout_builder - no longer needed since 3/2018

March 23rd 2022 – Version 4.9.2

fixed: WooCommerce single product page: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id()

March 23rd 2022 – Version 4.9.1

tweak: added a check to make ALB av_uid unique after editing a page/post/..
tweak: added a check for array when filter avf_default_iconfont does not return an array (PHP 8.0 related)

fixed: jQuery Not Defined error in WooCommerce when jQuery loaded in footer
fixed: content slider duplicated due to not unique id
fixed: Contact form submit button needs to be clicked twice when reCaptcha is enabled due to JS error
fixed: background image set in theme options->"General Styling" overrides Color Section custom background color
fixed: cart icon not clickable on mobile due to z-index issue when Logo center, menu below option is selected
fixed: CSS with header sidebar overrides advanced styling font size for menus
fixed: avia_masonry() called with parameter $sc_context = null (= missing )
fixed: WooCommerce SKU info doesn't change when selecting a different variation in ALB Product Purchase Button
fixed: broken layout in ALB Icongrid after 4.8.8 when option Items Padding set to 0
fixed: broken layout when ALB fullscreen element shortcodes inside icon grid textbox when icon grid not in section or column

updated: Layerslider v7.1.3
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.9, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.9.1 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: French language files fr_FR (version 4.9, provided by comkapi - web@subit.fr)

Feb 21th 2022 – Version 4.9

tweak: add font-display option to google webfonts link

feature: new options for ALB Elements:
  - Accordion
    - html tag for toggle title
    - responsive font sizes
  - Animated Countdown and Events Countdown
    - custom colors for numbers and description and title
  - Animated Numbers
    - custom colors for numbers and description
  - Team Member
    - Responsive Font Sizes
  - Testimonials
    - Responsive Font Sizes

added: ALB Icon Grid responsive breakpoint options for 50% and fullwidth

fixed: problem with uploaded google fonts not working after (#3707)
fixed: ALB Gallery Meta ContentURL Value and remove displayed post title 
fixed: curtain footer with left/right sidebar for mobile devices not working
fixed: ALB slideshow duplicate image of first slideshow - use   add_theme_support( 'avia_post_css_slideshow_fix' );
fixed: Sidebar shadow still visible on mobile view for blog

compatibility: fix WPML post grid query for untranslated terms to display only public post types as fallback

tweak: Enfold widgets can be used in Block Widget Editor - disabled by default and is in unsupported beta and backend preview is not properly supported
added: use add_theme_support( "avia_enable_widgets_block_editor" ); to switch to new block widget editor
deprecated: $avia_config['use_block_widget_page']
important: custom sidebars cannot be added and removed in Block Widget Editor - switch to old widget page


added: action 'avf_product_slider_html_list_before_item' - allows e.g. to call do_action( 'woocommerce_product_thumbnails' );

Performance/Security: widgets not needed can be removed and php code is not loaded
moved: widget classes in seperate files enfoldframeworkphpwidgetswidget-classes

introduced: namespace aviaFramework
introduced: namespace aviaFrameworkwidgetsbase

added: filter 'avf_widget_loader_base_classes' - add custom widget base classes loaded before widgets
added: filter 'avf_widget_loader_widget_classes' - add custom widgets or remove widgets and do not load php code
added: filter 'avf_font_display_google_fonts' - change theme option Custom Font Display Behaviour for google web fonts
added: filter 'avf_google_fontlist' - new parameters

removed: function avia_get_post_list (deprecated since 4.4.2)
removed: function avia_get_comment_list (deprecated since 4.4.2)
removed: function avia_google_maps::handler_print_google_maps_scripts (deprecated since 4.4)
removed: function avia_google_maps::print_map (deprecated since 4.4)
removed: file enfoldframeworkphpclass-framework-widgets.php -> enfoldframeworkphpwidgetsclass-widget-loader.php
removed: widget class avia_tweetbox (moved to enfoldframeworkphpwidgetslegacyclass-avia-tweetbox.php)

deprecated: function avia_option() -> avia_get_option()
deprecated: function avia_check_custom_widget() - no longer needed
deprecated: function avia_is_dynamic_template() - no longer needed
deprecated: function avia_backend_get_dynamic_templates() - no longer needed
deprecated: function avia_show_menu_description() - no longer needed

Feb 7th 2022 – Version

tweak: add schema meta contentURL to ALB gallery image object
tweak: change display name for 500px (from five_100_px)

fixed: some webfonts not applied when used in Theme Options -> Advanced Styling
fixed: Load More button not working for ALB Masonry elements
fixed: Theme options override Slider caption title custom color options
fixed: CSS slideshow controls hidden below 767px - removed
fixed: Tab Section arrow not getting Tab Section background color
fixed: CSS for layout with 1/4 columns when setting columns to no margin on tablet (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px)
fixed: little typo in helper-privacy.php file (refuseing -> refusing)

compatibility: WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin not working properly

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.9, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.9 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: German de_DE_formal translation error broken link


added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_excluded_taxonomies' - exclude taxonomies in ALB Post Metadata 

Jan 25th – Version 4.8.9

feature: new styling options for Content Slider (border, background, boxshadow)
feature: new styling options for Accordion Slider (font color for title and excerpt)
feature: new styling options for Featured Image Slider (font color for title and content)
feature: new styling options for Easy Slider (font color for title and content)
feature: new styling options for Tab Section (font colors and hover colors for tab titles)
feature: new styling options for Events Countdown (responsive font sizes for title, numbers and time unit)
feature: new styling options for Team Member (font colors, image size, image border and border radius)

tweak: Cookie removal - added a try/catch block when plugins add illegal key to $_COOKIE
tweak: ALB gallery responsive images not working for big preview
tweak: added classes to ALB Video element for better support of borlab plugin
tweak: ALB Search remove [] from post type query string if only 1 post type is selected (not supported by some plugins when redirected to search page)
tweak: ALB Tab Section content padding CSS bug: Autoadjust content and content padding huge breaks layout
tweak: ALB WC Product List broken content and links

fixed: ALB link element returns wrong href attribute when manual and empty link
fixed: ALB image element does not load selected image size when a link is selected (e.g to lightbox)
fixed: ALB video preview image does not work when theme support avia_template_builder_custom_html5_video_urls is active
fixed: Theme option CSS "Socket background color" interferes with content background color
fixed: identical shortcodes in subitems trigger "undiefined index" error in php for post css supported elements

WooCommerce compatibility: add a check for cart object to prevent 'Uncaught Error on null'

compatibility checks: PHP 8.1
compatibility checks: WP 5.9
compatibility checks: WooCommerce 6.1

updated: Layerslider v7.0.7
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)


deprecated: renamed ../framework/avia_shortcodes to ../framework/legacy_avia_shortcodes - files no longer loaded

added: action 'ava_builder_core_files_loaded'
added: action 'ava_builder_shortcode_files_loaded'
added: filter 'avf_masonry_flex_image_html' - see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Images%20and%20Lightbox/avf_masonry_flex_image_html.php
added: filter 'avf_team_ignore_selected_image_size' - ignore modal popup selectbox setting for image size (backwards comp.)
added: filter 'avf_before_load_single_builder_core_file' - allows to load a custom builder core file and supress loading of original php file (https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Extending%20ALB/avf_load_single_builder_core_file.php)
added: filter 'avf_before_load_single_shortcode_file' - allows to load a custom shortcode file and supress loading of original php file (https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Extending%20ALB/avf_load_single_shortcode_file.php)

customize: ALB modal popup type option fields can be extendend by user defined custom options (or existing can be overriden)

added: class avia_masonry version 4.8.3 (prior post css changes) renamed to avia_masonry_old and added to ../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-legacy
added: class avia_slideshow version (prior post css changes) renamed to avia_slideshow_old and added to ../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-legacy
refactored: class avia_sc_video, version added to ../config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcode-legacy in case needed for a fallback
moved: several shortcode related files (check directory structure)

tweak: minor changes to post css support in

- Logoslider
- Magazine
- Masonry
- Masonry Gallery
- Section Background Videos

updated: ALB Elements to support post css files (prepared to extend styling options in future releases):

- Accordion Slider
- Content Slider
- Easy Slider
- Featured Image Slider
- Fullscreen Slider
- Fullwidth Easy Slider
- Tab Section and Tab Sub Section Tabs
- Events Countdown
- Upcoming Events
- Product Purchase Button
- Product Info
- Product Meta Info
- Product Price
- Product Reviews
- Product Info Tab
- Related Products
- Product Slider
- Product Grid
- Product List

Dec. 17th 2021 – Version

feature: new options for ALB Partner/Logo like border, boxshadow, ...

tweak: ALB Magazine allow heading to select linking options
tweak: Theme options responsive typo tab - allow to enter any css units (not only px)

added: playsinline attribute for HTML videos with autoplay enabled

fixed: ALB Magazine element - Tags/Categories/Author showing when not selected
fixed: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null (WooCommerce)
fixed: translation error in Dutch language file which was causing critical error


added: theme support 'avia_options_extended_typography' - replaces selectboxes with input fields for more flexibility of CSS units
added: filter 'avf_el_styling_responsive_font_size_skip' - see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Layout/avf_el_styling_responsive_font_size_skip.php
added: filter 'avf_html5_autoplay_mobile' - allows to remove attributes "autoplay playsinline" 
added: logic to support post css file for alb objects that need a secondary query (like sliders)
updated for post css file:
  - Partner/Logo

10. Dec. 2021 – Version 4.8.8

feature: add filesize and dimension to media library list view
feature: Options to display ALB textblock content in columns and text alignment
feature: theme options for responsive typography h1 - h6, Default Content Font Size (General Styling -> Typography tab)
feature: ALB Icon Grid new options for border, box shadow, responsive behaviour, ....

tweak: set focus to input field when opening popup search box from menu
tweak: ALB Animated Numbers add responsive font sizes
tweak: ALB Timeline add responsive font sizes for content
tweak: tag archive page change tag list title to "Tag Archive: ...." when page title is not shown
tweak: ALB magazine use the_content filter for excerpt in bigger displayed entry, minor CSS fixes

SEO improvement: remove hidden post metadata from html (not only hide with CSS)
   - added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_array' - modify output of all post metadata (https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Basic%20Templates/Layout/avf_post_metadata_array.php)
   - added: filter 'avf_post_metadata_seperator' - modify seperator between post metadata
   - added: filter 'avf_show_author_meta' - show/hide output of author meta data (change theme options setting)

accessibility: added missing role="menu" and role="menuitem" 
accessibility: new theme option Extensions -> Accessibility -> "Accessibility Conformance Level" 
accessibility: fixed some warnings when Conformance Level = AAA

fixed: PHP bug with sprint format %s S
fixed: pagination in ALB Page Split broken (frontend and preview)
fixed: notice trying to access array offset on value of type bool in enfold/template-builder.php
fixed: open custom link in new window not working in ALB Gallery element
fixed: some google fonts from theme options heading and body text broken in tribe events calendar
fixed: Custom Elements Management breaking ALB Content Slider with ALB shortcode in content
fixed: remove space in ALB Testimonials 'class ='
fixed: Page as footer broken layout (e.g. caused by Block Editor - adding a <p> tag at the beginning)
fixed: ALB Blog Post custom ID not added in grid layout
fixed: ALB Testimonials missing closing section tag when only 1 subitem
fixed: CSS bug curtain footer and menu in sidebar left or right

added: filter 'avf_css_rules_textblock_column_count' - modify CSS rules
added: filter 'avf_css_rules_textblock_column_gap' - modify CSS rules
added: filter 'avf_media_gallery_sortable_filesize' - allows to sort by filesize - please check:
       see https://github.com/KriesiMedia/enfold-library/blob/master/actions%20and%20filters/Images%20and%20Lightbox/avf_media_gallery_sortable_filesize.php
added: filter 'avf_post_slider_meta_content' - remove or change meta data content in ALB Post Slider
added: filter 'avf_magazine_header_content' - allows to change content of a single magazine header element
added: filter 'avf_magazine_skip_excerpt_content_filter' - allows to skip the_content filter

WPML compatibility: Cross Origin Request failed for resources when using seperate domains for languages
  - added: theme support 'custom_uploaded_fonts_relative_url' to use relative urls in dynamic_avia css and merged files
  - added: filter 'avf_custom_uploaded_fonts_url' - change custom uploaded fonts url via filter

updated: Layerslider Version 7.0.5
updated: sync all language files version
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Hungarian language files hu_HU (version 4.8.7 provided by DECOrpOs - https://github.com/DECOrpOs )
updated: French language files fr_FR (version, provided by comkapi - web@subit.fr)
updated: German language files de_DE_formal 1 small translation error


added: media query support for post css files
added: support to replace AviaHelper::av_mobile_sizes and use post css feature
renamed: theme option color-default_font_size to typo-default_font_size
added: comment to filter 'avf_post_featured_image_link' in loop-index
updated: ALB Icon Grid to support post css file
updated: ALB Magazine to support post css file
performance: moved deprecated framework classes to legacy folder and no longer loaded</p>

Nov 2nd 2021 – Version

feature: ALB columns option to set a custom distance between columns in %

fixed: 0 padding broken in ALB Gridrow Cells

added: filter 'avf_alb_columns_grid_max_distance' - allows to filter maximum ALB column distance for select option
added: filter 'avf_alb_default_column_space' - change default ALB columns grid spacing (= 6%)
added: filter 'avf_no_inline_svg' - supress inline svg (currently used only for logo) - use img tag instead 

Oct 27th 2021 – Version 4.8.7

feature: ALB columns reverse or individual resort order when switching to fullwidth on mobile devices
feature: ALB gridrow reverse or individual resort orderof cells when switching to fullwidth on mobile devices
feature: theme option "Transparency Menu Color On Hover" 
feature: ALB video element option to show fullscreen button for HTML5 videos

fixed: missing comma in CSS for mobile and svg makes svg huge
fixed: button CSS top border issue on :active - removed !important in button.css
fixed: Option Remove query string from static resources breaks invalidation of post css files - option willl be ignored for these files
fixed: ALB Textblock custom element lockable custom CSS class missing
fixed: fullwidth submenu alignment ignored for mobile button
fixed: undefined constant THEMENAME in Mailchimp Newsletter Signup widget
fixed: typography font size not applied in block editor in frontend
fixed: ALB masonry gallery lightbox title not corresponding to options settings for flexible masonry
fixed: ALB magazine category sort buttons break frontend when no entries are found
fixed: svg logo broken when svg tag in multiple lines
fixed: svg logo not displayed for non logged in users
fixed: italien translation breaking selectbox in ALB Image Hotspot tooltip location

tweak: add missing schema.org markup to section background videos and slideshow videos
tweak: accessibility support:
  - added: Accessibility Tab to Theme Extensions Page
  - added: tab key access support to main menu with submenus and megamenu
  - added: visual appearance with keyboard access to menus (focus now equivalent to mouse hover effects)
  - added: attributes role="menuitem" tabindex="0" to menu items
  - added: started support for plugin "One Click Accessibility" ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/pojo-accessibility/ )
  - added: started support for plugin "WP Accessibility" ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-accessibility/ )
tweak: remove ":" when empty label text from contact form emails
tweak: extended date filter to "last xxx days/weeks/month/years" for ALB elements:
    Post Slider
    Accordion Slider
    Featured Image Slider

added: filter 'avf_social_media_icon_display_name' - change tooltip display name of icon
added: filter 'avf_form_mail_label' - allows to change label text on E-Mail of a contact form
added: filter 'avf_wp_accessibility_outline_width' - change hardcoded plugin value for focus caret
added: filter 'avf_wp_accessibility_outline_style' - change hardcoded plugin value for focus caret

Following elements have been updated to support post-css file:

    Dropcap 1 (Big Letter)
    Dropcap 2 (Colored Background)
    Fullwidth Sub Menu
    Grid Row + Grid Cells
    OSM - Leaflet Map
    Post Metadata
    Social Buttons

Updated: LayerSlider Version 6.11.9

updated: French language files fr_FR (version, provided by comkapi - web@subit.fr)
updated: Dutch language files nl_NL (version 4.8.7 provided by EZWebdesign - Roger Hoen )
updated: Italian language files it_IT (version 4.8.7, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)
updated: sync all language files version 4.8.7

Oct 7th 2021 – Version

feature: ALB Contact Form add elements Headline and Empty Line (allows to structure layout of contactform and e-mails)

tweak: support for relative path for svg files (Logo and Transparency Logo)

fixed: logo disappeared after update
fixed: Animated Countdown shows negative month and days

updated: Italian language files it_IT (version, provided by BigBatT - info@luigicircello.it)

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