iBid – Multi Vendor Auctions WooCommerce Theme
Theme Review | Change Log | Online Docs | Test Drive | Video Tutorials
25+ Single & Multi Vendor Marketplace Demos | Test Drive as Vendor
Choose any demo from the list below and with one click using the Demo Importer your website will be identical.
MT Auction Lots addon for the iBid theme is finally here. The Auction Lots plugin will extend the current auctions functionalities from your iBid theme and will enable auction lots(Shared Timing or via Time Slots).
Note: The plugin is NOT included with the theme and needs to be purchased separately.
Read more about: Freelancer Mode for iBid
iBid NFT Marketplace (NFT Metaverse)
Build an affiliate NFT Marketplace by using the iBid theme.
Earn more by using the MT Auction Subscriptions and Credits for iBid. Also see Online docs of this plugin.
This plugin bundles features such as:
- For customers: Purchase Credit Packages – in order to bid on auctions;
- For vendors: Purchase Subscription Packages – in order to add products on the marketplace;
TestDrive iBid Theme as a Vendor:
Step 1: Select a Demo:
- Electronics | Countdown Auctions
- Automotive | Automotive v2 (List Auctions)
- Shop (No Auctions)
- Antiques & Collectibles | Numismatics/Coins | Arts
- Real Estate & Lands
- Book Comics & Magazines
- Fundraising & Charity Auctions
- Heavy Machinery Auctions
Step 2: Demo Credentials:
Demo Username: auctioner
Demo Password: 123456
iBid is a professional theme for any kind of shop or auctions marketplace. iBid also comes with functionalities for Online Shopping Websites, such as:
- Compatible with: Dokan Lite & Dokan PRO
- Also compatible with: WCFM Marketplace Lite & WCFM Ultimate (PRO)
- Also compatible with: WC Vendors Marketplace (Free & PRO)
- Also compatible with: WC Marketplace (WCMp)(Free & PRO).
Coming Soon: Compatibility with other multi-vendor plugins such as:
- Ultimate Woo Auction / Ultimate Woo Auction Pro
- YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor
- Socio Multi Vendor for WooCommerce
- Auctions functionality – by WooCommerce Simple Auctions.
- Custom products grids.
Auctions Settings (See Screen Capture (Dokan) | WCFM Marketplace:Screen Capture 1, Screen Capture 2):
- Item condition
- New
- Used
- Auction type
- Normal
- Reverse
- Proxy bidding?
- Yes
- No
- Start Price
- Bid increment
- Reserve price
- Buy it now price = Regular Price
- Auction Date – Start
- Auction Date – End
- Automatic relist auction
- Automatic relist auction
- Yes
- No
- Relist if fail after n hours
- Relist if not paid after n hours
- Relist auction duration in h
- Automatic relist auction
- Item condition
25 Ready Marketplace Auction & Shop Demos
- Electronics Auctions Marketplace
- Automotive Auctions Marketplace
- Shop (No Auctions) Marketplace
- Antiques & Collectibles Auctions Marketplace
- Real Estate & Lands Auctions Marketplace
- Numismatics/Coins Auctions Marketplace
- Art Auctions Marketplace
- Countdown Auctions Marketplace
- Automotive v2 Auctions Marketplace – Live Search Tables & Lists
- Book Auctions Auctions & Shop
- Heavy Machinery Auctions & Shop
- Fundraising Auctions – This demo can be used for as a crowdfunding platform for fundraising causes such as: Coronavirus Donations, Coronavirus Fundraising, Coronavirus Charity Auctions, Auctions for Natural Disasters, Auctions for helping poor countries or regions & More.
- Domain Auctions Marketplace
- Handmade Auctions Marketplace
- Tours & Vacations Auctions Marketplace
- Fashion Shop
- Online Sports Memorabilia Auctions Marketplace
- Cattles Auctions Marketplace
- Organic Food Shop
- Militaria Auctions
- Laboratory & Medical Auctions
- Frelancer Mode: Reverse Auctions for services
- Self Storage Auctions
- NFT Marketplace
- Note: Each demo can be used with/without the auction features. Each demo can be used as Marketplace or without a marketplugin plugin. It works perfectly as a regular shop too.
- Compatible with:
- RTL Compatibility – added via ModelTheme RTL Compatiblity Plugin – View Details + Download the Free RTL Plugin
- YouTube Video Tutorials Playlist – Videos are being posted regularly
- Modern Category with banners and products blocks and shortcodes.
- WooCommerce Ready
- ModelTheme Framework plugin
- Testimonials
- Brands we work with
- Multilanguage (RTL & LTR ready) – translatable with Loco Translate, WPML or Polylang
- Multi Currency Ready – via Multi Currency for WooCommerce
- Contact forms
- Custom 404 page template
- Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
- General Settings
- Sidebars
- Styling Settings
- Header Settings
- Footer Settings
- Contact Settings
- Blog Settings
- Shop Settings
- 404 Page Settings
- Social Media Settings
- Demo Data Importer
- Multiple header variants
- One-click importer
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Font Icons instead of images
- Well documented – View Online Docs
- Various Custom Widgets and much more
- Multiple Colors & Skins Throughout
- Eye-catching CSS Animations
- Compatible with: Contact form 7
- Permanent updates
- Excellent Typography
- Optimized for high speed
- Fast and easy to use
- Full use list: woocommerce auction, wordpress auction theme, wordpress auctions, auction webshop, woocommerce auctions, auctions webshop, shopping auctions, woocommerce auction theme, woocommerce auctions theme
Frequent Asked Questions
Q: Why should I purchase the iBid Auctions theme?
A: Checkout these 16 Reasons Why iBid is the Best Auction Template Ever.
Q: What is the name of the multi vendor marketplace plugin?
A: Dokan (Free Version) | But it is also compatible with WCFM Marketplace – Multivendor Marketplace for WooCommerce (since v1.4) and WC Vendors Marketplace (since v1.7);
Q: How to Setup Vendor Commission?
A: Please have a look at this tutorial.
Q: How can I enable auction to a new/existing product (or modified)?
A: From version v1.1.1 of the theme (released on 19th of November, 2019), auction options are available on product edit from the dokan dashboard (frontend). If your installed theme version is lower than v1.1.1 then an auction can only be modified easily from your client WP Panel(Products -> Edit Product -> Screenshot)
Q: Will there be options to set the auctions from the vendor dashboard(under products)?
A: Yes. We are working to release an update with this feature very soon.
Q: Single Vendor Functionality?
A: Yes. You can disable the multi-vendor functionality with one click only, by disabling the marketplace plugin (the admin of the site or the store manager will be able to add products / auctions).
Q: I want to list both shop products and auctions together?
A: Yes. You can choose to mix the auctions and the products or simply list them separately in different pages.
Q: Is there a way to verify the vendors (to pay a fee in order to list their auctions)?
A: Yes. Take a look at this addon.
Q: What about digital products? Such as eBooks, Photos or Graphics?
A: You can enable downloadable auction option in two easy steps (Step 1, Step 2).
Q: Can I use this theme for a normal WooCommerce Shop?
A: Yes! If the Auctions plugin is disabled, any auction feature will dissapear.
Q: How do I setup Mega Menus for categories and Primary Menu?
A: We have a tutorial on how to setup the MT Mega Menus.
Q: Are there any server requirements?
A: The optimal server requirements can be checked here
Q: Photoshop PSD or Design files?
A: Figma design files can be purchased separately from: here
Theme Docs
Change LOG
We do not provide refunds for these sorts of mistaken purchases. Due to the nature of digital goods, it’s not possible to “return” them. Therefore, refunds can only be given for products that are broken, but this is not the case, as our theme has been reviewed and accepted by an Envato review team.
Fonts Used: “Montserrat” Google Fonts
Images: shutterstock.com – All rights reserved! (Images not included in the theme-package)
Icons: FontAwesome http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
An Entire list of credits comes with the package of the theme
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